A norm is uniquely determined by its unit ball, and conversely, you can define a norm to have any unit ball you like. The construction goes like this. Let $K\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a closed, bounded, convex, and symmetric set ($x\in K$ if and only if $-x\in K$). Define
$$\|x\|_K = \inf\{\lambda > 0 \, |\, x \in \lambda K\}.$$
This is called the Minkowski functional, and $\|\cdot \|_K$ is a semi-norm. If you also assume $K$ contains an open neighborhood of the origin, then $\|\cdot \|_K$ is a norm, and the unit ball for the norm is exactly $K$.
So basically you can select any $K$ (within reason) and define a norm for which $K$ is the unit ball. Every norm can be constructed in this way, so it is very general and generates "new" norms that are not just $p$ norms.
As an example, let $X_m$ be a collection of $m$ independent and identically distributed random variables $\mathbb{R}^n$ with a Lebesgue density, and set
$$K_m = \text{ConvexHull} (-X_m \cup X_m).$$
Then define the norm $\|x\|_{K_m}$. This is a norm with a unit ball that is a random convex polytope (provided $2m \geq n+1$).
A concrete example is the $n$-dimensional polytope with vertices of the form $$\frac{1}{\sqrt k} \sum_{i=1}^k s_{\sigma(i)} e_{\sigma(i)}$$ for all $k \le n$, all signs $s$ and permutations $\sigma$. It has $\sum_{i=1}^n {n \choose i}2^i$ vertices.