Let $A,B$ be Banach spaces and let $T:A \to B$ be a surjective, bounded, linear operator. Let $A_1$ be a non-empty subset of $A$, then:
$T(A_1)$ is closed if and only if $A_1+ \textrm{ker}(T)$ is closed.
I have shown that if $A_1+ \textrm{ker} (T)$ is closed, then $T(A_1)$ is closed, but am unsure of how to proceed in the other direction. Note that we know that $T(A \setminus [A_1 + \textrm{ker}(T)]) = B \setminus T(A_1)$. Figured the reverse direction could be proved using some modification of the Open Mapping Theorem or Closed Graph theorem, but not sure how to tackle this. Thanks.