I have trouble with the following exercise:
Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra with antipode $S$, and let $A$ be a commutative algebra. Show that $$ \mathbf{Alg}(H,A)$$ is a group under convolution with $f^{-1}=f\circ S$.
We have already seen that convolution $*$ is associative and has an identity $\eta_A\circ\varepsilon_H$, so the monoid structure is a given and we only need to show the form of the inverse. I have the following calculation, but nowhere am I using the fact that $A$ is commutative, so there must be a mistake. Where is it?
\begin{align*} f*(f\circ S) &= \mu_A\circ(f\otimes(f\circ S))\circ \Delta\\ &= \mu_A\circ(f\otimes f)\circ (\mathrm{id}_H\otimes S)\circ \Delta \\ &= f\circ \mu_H \circ (\mathrm{id}_H\otimes S)\circ \Delta \\ &= f\circ \eta_H\circ\varepsilon_H \\ &=\eta_A\circ \varepsilon_H \end{align*}