I recently enrolled for a class on discrete mathematics and this problem came up:
Assume x is a natural number (0,1,2,3,4...) and let P(x) denote "x divided by 3 gives no remainder". Determine the truth value of the following proposition: $$\forall x (P(x) \rightarrow \lnot(P(x+2))$$
Using regular reasoning I can tell that this must be true for any x (or so I think), since any number that is divisible by 3 can't be divisble by itself + 2 since then it would not be a multiple of 3 anymore. In addition, if x is not divisible by 3 aka P(x) is False, then the conditional statement automatically evalutes to true due to the laws of Material Conditional. Though I feel like I got the answer right I'm not sure where to start when coming up with a proof. I've tried setting it up as an equation but I'm a bit puzzled on how to do that for any x. How would I go about determining the truth value of a proposition like this and then prove my answer?