Let $X_t$ be a stochastic process such that $\lim\limits_{t\to \infty} X_t = -3$ a.s. Let $\mathcal{F}_t := \sigma(X_s, s\leq t)$. Finally, let $L := \sup\{t > 0 : X_t \geq 2\}$. We are also given that $L < \infty$ a.s. Show that $L$ is not a stopping time.
1) Is the assumption that $L < \infty$ a.s. necessary in the problem if we know that $X_t \to -3$ a.s.? For almost all $\omega$ s.d. $X_t(\omega) \to -3$, choose $\epsilon = 5$ and there exists $K_\epsilon(\omega)$ s.d. $\forall t \geq K_\epsilon(\omega)$, $|X_t(\omega) + 3| < \epsilon \implies X_t(\omega) < 2$ in particular.
2) My intuition is that $L$ obviously cannot be determined without looking into the future. If $\{L \leq t\} \in \mathcal{F}_t$, then this event can be observed only with the information of how the process could behave up to time t. Meaning, the fact that $X_s > 2$ for all $s > t$ is determined by $\mathcal{F}_t$. From this, I tried the following: assume $L$ is a stopping time then,
$$\{L \leq t\} = \bigcap\limits_{s > t} \{X_s > 2\} \in \mathcal{F}_t$$ I want to discretize the problem to make the intersection at least countable, but I am stuck.