Let me consider two model categories:
- $ \mathsf{sSet} $: the category of simplicial sets with Joyal model structure,
- $ \mathsf{sSetCat} $: the category of simplicially enriched categories with Bergner model structure.
In Lurie's "Higher Topos Theory", he showed there is a Quillen equivalence between them. Lurie denote it as:
- $ \operatorname{N}: \mathsf{sSetCat} \to \mathsf{sSet} $: homotopy coherent nerve,
- $ \mathfrak{C}: \mathsf{sSet} \to \mathsf{sSetCat} $.
However, his proof is not easy to follow I think, because of so many hyperlinks.
Is there another proof on this fact, or a document which explains the outline of his proof?