I was hoping for an elementary method of approaching this.
My attempt: D is a division ring so Noetherian/ Artinian. Then $M_n(D)$ is Noetherian/ Artinian as a matrix ring over Noetherian/ Artinian ring.
Then a Module over a Noetherian ring is Noetherian iff finitely generated. Now this would imply that it is Artinian. I am also sure that any Artinian module over an Artinian ring is finitely generated. I saw this answer: Is every Artinian module over an Artinian ring finitely generated? but it explicitly uses commutativity of the ring which we don’t have. I am sure it is true in general but the digression takes me far from the context in which the question was asked, where $R \text{ has the really nice form } M_n(D)$
Is there any way of doing this using the nice form of $R$?