Let $X_1$, $X_2$, $X_3$ be independent, identically distributed continuous random variables from Exponential Distribution.
I want to find the probability that the median is closer to the smallest value $X_($$_1$$_)$ than it is to the largest value $X_($$_3$$_)$.
So far I have:
$F_2$($X_2$) = P($X_($$_2$$_)$ ≤ $X_2$) = ∫ 3! f(x) (F(x)$^($$^($$^n$$^-$$^1$$^)$$^/$$^2$$^)$/((n-1)/2)!) ((1-F(x))$^($$^($$^n$$^-$$^1$$^)$$^/$$^2$$^)$)/((n-1)/2)!)
Note: F(x) is the cdf, and f(x) is the pdf of Exponential Distribution
From this I will integrate with respect to $X_2$ with n = 3, to get the median. However, how do show I show that this median is closer to $X_($$_1$$_)$ than $X_($$_3$$_)$ ?