
What does it mean When $Curl \ F = 0$ or $Div\ F = 0$ ?

F is a vector field

I am new in vector calculus;


1 Answer 1


Curl measures how much the field is rotating. If you enclose a region with (defined) curl of 0 everywhere, the line integral around that curve will be zero (Greens' Thm.)

Divergence measures how much the field is expanding. If you enclose a region with a (defined) divergence of 0 everywhere, the flux integral around the curve will be zero (normal form of Greens' Thm).

  • $\begingroup$ I feel "rotating effect of field" is better than "field is rotating". $\endgroup$
    – 007resu
    Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 4:45

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