I've seen this question. I'm trying to find the connection between Euler's totient function and Carmichael's function.
Carmichael's function outputs smallest $k$ such that:
$a^k ≡ 1 \pmod n$
Euler's totient function outputs the order of numbers $h$ less than some number $n$ that are coprime to $n$:
$gcd(h, n) = 1$
There exists Fermat's little theorem, stating that if there is some prime number $p$:
$a^{p-1} ≡ 1 \pmod p$
I'm thinking that i found the purpose of Carmichael's function while proving this theorem using Lagrange's theorem.
As we know, according to number theory, the congruence classes coprime to $n$ form a multiplicative group of integers modulo n, thus $∃ G = (ℤ/pℤ)^*$. Let's say there also exists a monoid subgroup $H$ generated by some element $a$ (this makes $H$ a cyclic group). According to the group theory, the order of $H$ is smallest $k$ such that $a^k ≡ e \pmod p$, where $e$ is identity element (and we know, that for groups under multiplication, identity element is always equal to $1$), and thus: $|H|$ = $λ(n)$. Finally we can prove theorem by knowing that according to Lagrange's theorem, the order subgroup $H$ divides the order group $G$, and that there exists $m$ such that $|H|=p-1=k*m$, therefore:
$a^{p-1} ≡ (a^k)^m ≡ 1^m ≡ 1 \pmod p$
But what's interesting here, is that somehow Carmichael's function happens to be subgroup of Euler's totient function. Is this because every multiplicative group has $λ(n)$ as its order?
Euler's theorem is generalisation of Fermat's little theorem stating that:
$a^{\phi(n)} ≡ 1 \pmod n$
We also know that there is some specific relationship between Carmichael's function and Euler's totient function, and somehow if this relationship is satisfied, multiplicative group becomes cyclic. Is there any proof to this relationship?
Do all subgroups of groups have exponent of groups as their order?
Thus is this the main purpose for existence of $λ(n)$ in cryptography? Does Carmichael's function only work because Totient function is its multiple? Why is output Carmichael's of Carmichael's function different from the output of Totient Function sometimes?
Or just how is Carmichael's function connected to Euler's totient function?
Thank you!