This is a homework problem so I ask only for a small push in the right direction.
I am asked to determine the left adjoint of the forgetful functor $F: \tau_{*} \to \tau$ of pointed topological spaces to topological spaces.
For any pointed topological space, $(X, x_0)$, I defined $F(X, x_0) = X$ and, for any $f \in Hom((X, x_0), (Y, y_0))$, I defined $F(f) = f \in Hom(X, Y)$.
The way I began thinking about this is, every continuous function, $f$ between two topological spaces $X, Y$ is also a continuous function between two pointed topological spaces $(X, x_0), (Y, f(x_0))$. However, there are multiple continuous functions between $X, Y$ that are also continuous functions between $(X, x_0), (Y, f(x_0))$. Am I looking at this set up incorrectly?