Karl E. Petersen's book "Ergodic Theory", chapter 2, exercise 9, on page 56
Prove that for any ergodic measure preserving transformation $T:X\rightarrow X$ on a non-atomic probability space $(X, \mathcal B, \mu)$ there exists a set $A$ of positive measure for which the return time $n_A$ is unbounded.
Notation: Here $n_A$ is given by $n_A (x):= \min\{n: T^n(x)\in A \} $, so $n_A: A \rightarrow \mathbb N$ is an a.e. defined measurable map (by Poincare Recurrence) and it is the smallest integer such that the point $x\in A$ returns to $A$ under the action of $T$. By unbounded I suppose he means that the essential supremum of $n_A$ is not finite...
I could really use some help here! Thanks so much