In my Rings and Modules class, we defined additive functors this way:
A (covariant/contravariant) functor $F$ is called additive if:
(i). $F0 = 0$, where $0$ is the zero-module.
(ii). For any modules $M, N$ we have $F(M \oplus N) = FM \oplus FN$.
I looked around online and I saw this definitions, which looks the same but uses morphisms instead of modules:
A (covariant/contravariant) functor $F$ is called additive if:
(i). $F0 = 0$, where $0$ is the zero-map.
(ii). For any modules $M, N$ and morphisms $\phi, \psi: M \longrightarrow N$ we have $F(\phi + \psi) = F \phi + F \psi : FM \longrightarrow FN$.
Now it seems clear, intuitively, how these two concepts are equivalent. However, I always have a lot of trouble proving elementary stuff with functors, because I always think if what I'm doing is allowed.
I was trying to prove that the first two conditions imply the other two. So I tried to rephrase them in terms of compositions of homomorphisms.
(i). Let $\phi : M \longrightarrow N$ be the zero-map. Then $\phi$ is the same as $\iota \circ \phi_0$, where $\phi_0 : M \longrightarrow 0$ and $\iota : 0 \longrightarrow N$. Then $F \phi = F(\iota \circ \phi_0) = F \iota \circ F \phi_0$ is the zero-map, because we are assuming that $F0 = 0$.
(ii). Let $\phi, \psi: M \longrightarrow N$ be homomorphisms. Then $\phi + \psi$ is the same as the following sequence: $$ M \overset{id_M \oplus id_M}{\longrightarrow} M \oplus M \overset{(\phi, \psi)}{\longrightarrow} N \oplus N \overset{id_N + id_N}{\longrightarrow}N.$$ At this point, however I am stuck. I don't know how to justify that applying $F$ to this sequence gives $F\phi + F\psi$, since natural stuff such as inclusions and projections are not necessarily preserved. How should I go on?
I haven't yet tried proving the other direction...