Problem. Let $(X,\tau)$ be a Hausdorff space and let $x\in X$. Define, $$\mathcal{N}_x:=\{U\in\tau:x\in U\}$$Then show that, $$\displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U=\{x\}$$Is the converse true?
My Attempt
Let $(X,\tau)$ be an Hausdorff space. Now observe that since $x\in U$ for all $U\in \mathcal{N}_x$ we must have,$$\displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U\supseteq\{x\}\tag{1}$$Suppose if possible that, $$\displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U\supset\{x\}$$So there is an $y\in \displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U$ such that $y\ne x$. Now since $X$ is Hausdorff, there exists $U\in \mathcal{N}_x$ and $V\in\mathcal{N}_y$ such that $U\cap V=\emptyset$. This implies that, $$V\cap\left(\displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U\right)=\emptyset\tag{2}$$But this is a contradiction since we have assumed that $y\in V$ and $y\in \displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U$. This contradiction arose due to our assumption that $$\displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U\supset\{x\}$$Hence we are forced to conclude that, $$\displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U\supseteq\{x\}$$ and we are done.
Main Question
However, I don't know how to prove (or disprove) the converse. To be more precise I don't know how to prove (or disprove) the following,
Let $(X,\tau)$ be a topological space and let $x\in X$. Define, $$\mathcal{N}_x:=\{U\in\tau:x\in U\}$$for all $x\in X$. Suppose, $$\displaystyle\bigcap_{U\in\mathcal{N}_x}U=\{x\}$$for all $x\in X$. Prove that $(X,\tau)$ is Hausdorff.
Can anyone help?