Let $E$ be a vector bundle over a smooth manifold $M$ equipped with a linear connection $\nabla : \Gamma(E) \to \Omega^1(M;E).$ I say $(M,E,\nabla)$ is flat if it admits trivial local models; i.e. if for each $p \in M$ there is a $\nabla$-parallel local frame for $E$ defined on some neighbourhood of $p$. It is well known (and often instead taken as the definition) that $(M,E,\nabla)$ is flat if and only if the curvature form $R^\nabla \in \Omega^2(M; E)$ vanishes; so the curvature can be motivated as an obstruction to flatness.
When $E = TM$ so that $\nabla$ is an affine connection, a more restrictive definition is often used: we say $(M,\nabla)$ is flat if each $p \in M$ is contained in a chart whose coordinate frame is $\nabla$-parallel. This imposes an additional requirement on the local model: not only must we be able to choose a frame making $\nabla$ trivial, but this frame must be holonomic. Again, a nice characterization of this kind of flatness is well-known: it's equivalent to both the curvature $R^\nabla$ and the torsion $T^\nabla$ vanishing.
Thus in the world of affine connections that are flat in the weaker sense ($R^\nabla = 0$), torsion has a very simple motivation: it is exactly the obstruction to the existence of trivial local models, by which I mean charts $x^i$ such that $\nabla \partial_i=0.$ One way to think about this is that torsion is an obstruction to the integrability of frames: thanks to $R^\nabla = 0$ we can find a parallel frame $e_i$, and $T^\nabla = 0$ (implying $[e_i,e_j] = 0$) is then exactly the condition guaranteeing that $e_i = \partial_i$ for some chart.
Question. Without the assumption that $R^\nabla = 0$, can we motivate torsion as the obstruction to some kind of integrability?
This is motivated in part by this nice answer on MO, which describes torsion as an obstruction to the integrability of various $G$-structures; but I don't see how this interpretation can apply in the case of a connection alone.
One vague notion bouncing around in my head is some kind of Poincaré lemma for the solder form $\mathrm{id} \in \Omega^1(M;TM)$: we know $d^\nabla \mathrm{id}$ is the torsion, so perhaps vanishing torsion implies the solder form is locally the covariant derivative of some vector field? I'm not sure if this is actually true (I've only seen covariant exterior calculus treated for flat connections, since this is where you get a de Rham complex), nor how best to interpret it if it is.