Nocedal and Wright, in their book Numerical Optimization, Version 2, just under (3.32) say:
Since $\nabla^2 f(x^*)$ is nonsingular, there is a radius $r>0$ such that $\Vert \nabla^2f(x_k)^{-1}\Vert \leq 2 \Vert \nabla^2f(x^*)^{-1} \Vert$ for all $x_k$ with $\Vert x_k - x^* \Vert \leq r$.
where $x^*$ is the minimizer (the position at which function $f$ attains its minimum), $\nabla^2f(x^*)$ is the Hessian matrix (matrix of second partial derivatives) at $x^*$, $\nabla^2f(x_k)$ is the Hessian matrix at $x_k$, and $k$ is the current step number.
Can you prove that statement? Why is the norm of inverse of a nonsingular, positive definite matrix has this property?