Recall that an $n$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{R}^m$ can be described using a basis of $n$ vectors. Putting the vectors into an $m\times n$ matrix, one can do column reduction to put it into reduced column echelon form. A representative example would be
with some numbers replacing the asterisks to represent a point in $Gr_{\mathbb{R}}(6,3)$. The set of all such replacements gives an open 3-dimensional topological subspace of $Gr_{\mathbb{R}}(6,3)$, called a Schubert cell for the particular pivot positions.
As an example, consider $\mathbb{R}\mathrm{P}^2=Gr_{\mathbb{R}}(3,1)$. There are three possible sets of pivot positions:
This corresponds to a decomposition of the projective plane into a point, a line, and a plane (a $0$-cell, a $1$-cell, and a $2$-cell). Seeing how they are attached to each other takes some thinking about column echelon form. Consider $\begin{pmatrix}0\\1\\x\end{pmatrix}$ as $x\to\pm\infty$. This does not converge as a matrix, but an an equivalent matrix is $\begin{pmatrix}0\\1/x\\1\end{pmatrix}$ for $x\neq 0$, and this converges to the first of the three matrices. This shows that the ends of the line are attached to the point, giving a circle ("the circle at infinity"). One can make a similar argument to show that the plane is attached to this circle (though the attachment is more complicated: a degree-two map). The analysis of $Gr_{\mathbb{R}}(3,2)$ is very similar.
More interesting of an example would be $Gr_{\mathbb{R}}(4,2)$. Going through all the pivot positions, there would be one each of $0$-, $1$-, $3$-, and $4$-cells, and two $2$-cells. One could work out what is attached to what and how, but visualizing the resulting $4$-dimensional manifold is possibly out of the question.