(Disclaimer: This is a homework question.)
$$ Let \, X = \, (x_{k})_{k\epsilon\mathbb{N}} \: be\,a\,sequence\,of\,strictly\,positive\,real\,numbers\,with\\ \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty } \tfrac{x_{k}}{x_{k+1}} > 1\\ prove\,that\,X\,is\,convergent\,and\,calculate\,lim(X). $$
Looking at the problem, my first thought was that $lim(X) = 0$.
Here's my attempt:
$$\tfrac{x_{k}}{x_{k+1}}\ convergent \implies \forall\,\varepsilon>0\,\,\exists\, k_{\varepsilon} \epsilon\,\mathbb{N}\,\, s.t.\,k\geq k_{\varepsilon} \implies |\tfrac{x_{k}}{x_{k+1}}-L| < \varepsilon\\with\, L>1. $$
The goal is to show that $\exists\, k_{\varepsilon} \epsilon\,\mathbb{N}\,\, s.t.\,k\geq k_{\varepsilon} \implies |x_{k}-c| < \varepsilon$ for some $c\,\epsilon\, \mathbb{R}$. Then this implies $lim(X) = c$. My guess is that $c=0.$
$$|x_{k} - L(x_{k+1})| < \varepsilon|x_{k+1}|\\|x_{k}| < (|L| + \varepsilon)|x_{k+1}|$$
This is the point where I get lost. Any hints or advice would be helpful.