
I am trying to make some computations using Vasicek short rate model. Especially I am trying to compare exact expectation(obtained with the formula) and the expectation from Monte Carlo simulation.

Exact computation

I use:

$E[r_t] = r_0 * \exp(-a*t) + (\theta/a)*(1-\exp(-a*t))$

public override double GetExpectation(double r0, double t)
  double expectation = r0 * Math.Exp(-_a * t) + (_theta / _a) * (1 - Math.Exp(-_a * t));
  return expectation;

Monte Carlo simulations

I use the following method:

  • I compute r from a time t to a time t+dt using:

    public override double ComputeNextValue(double r0, double dt)
        RandomVariableGenerator rvg = RandomVariableGenerator.GetInstance();
        double randomGaussian = rvg.GetNextRandomGaussian();
        double r_t_dt = (_theta - _a*r0)*dt + _sigma * Math.Sqrt(dt) * randomGaussian;
        return r_t_dt;
  • then a compute a path from 0 to t with dt as time step using:

    public override double ComputeValue(double r0, double t, double dt)
      double x = r0;
      for(double slot = dt; slot <= t; slot += dt)
        x = ComputeNextValue(x, dt);
      return x;
  • Then I compute the Monte Carlo Expectation using:

    public override double ComputeMonteCarloExpectation(double r0, double t, double dt, int nreps)
       double sum = 0.0;
       double value;
       for (int i = 0; i < nreps; i++)
         value = ComputeValue(r0, t, dt);
         sum += value;
       return sum / nreps;

    I use the following parameters:

    double sigma = 0.03;
    double r0 = 0.03;
    double theta = 0.1;
    double a = 0.3;
    int nreps = 1000;
    double t = 1;

For dt = 0.1:

Exact expectation: 0,108618473059879;  
Monte Carlo Expectation: 0,0101464832161612  

For dt = 1:

Exact expectation: 0,108618473059879;  
Monte Carlo Expectation: 0,092058844704742  

using dt = 1 leads to a result close to exact value while using dt = 0.1 seems to lead to a result having a 0.1 factor difference with exact one.

I think I am doing something wrong but I can't figure it out. Do you have an idea?


1 Answer 1


It would probably help if you sum up the Euler steps, either in

public override double ComputeNextValue(double r0, double dt)
  return r_0+r_t_dt;

or in the integration loop

public override double ComputeValue(double r0, double t, double dt)
  double x = r0;

  for(double slot = dt; slot <= t; slot += dt)
    x += ComputeNextValue(x, dt);
  return x;

The SDE $dr_t=(θ-ar_t)dt+\sigma dW_t$ gets approximated in Euler fashion as $$ \Delta r_t=(θ-ar_t)Δt+\sigma ΔW_t+O(Δt^{3/2}) $$ where $\Delta r_t=r_{t+Δt}-r_t$ so that to compute the next value you need to add the increment to the current value.

One can also directly give an explicit formula for the paths, as $$ r_t=e^{-at}(r_0+σ\widetilde W_{(e^{2at}-1)/(2a)})+\fracθa(1-e^{at}) $$ where $\widetilde W$ is a different Wiener process.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks LutzL. Indeed the generator implements the singleton pattern so it always returns the same object. Concerning the sum, excuse me but I don't understand why it is necessary to sum. For me the program computes a path that will lead to r_t, going through many 0+dt. I mean the final value for me is r_t but you seem to say that r_t is the sum of rt_dt? $\endgroup$
    – mStudent
    Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 11:19
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks I got it $\endgroup$
    – mStudent
    Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 13:19

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