Let $M$ be an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ and consider the ordinary differential equation $\dot{x}(t) = f(x(t))$, where $f \in \mathcal{C}^{1}(M, \mathbb{R}^{2})$ and denote by $\Phi(.,.)$ its flow. For $x \in M$, let $\omega (x) := \{y \in M \ : \ \exists t_{n} \to +\infty \ s.t. \Phi(t_{n},x) \to y \}$ and $\alpha(x):= \{y \in M \ : \ \exists t_{n} \to -\infty \ s.t. \Phi(t_{n},x) \to y \}$. Suppose that $\omega(x)$ is compact. Then it is also connected (see for example the exercices in the according chapter in the book "Differential Equations ..." by Hirsch, Smale, Devaney). The Poincaré-Bendixson theorem states that if $\omega(x)$ contains only finitely many fixed points then $\omega(x)$ is either a) a single fixed point b) the periodic orbit of some $y \in \omega(x)$ or c) it consists of regular and fixed points and for every regular point $y \in \omega(x)$ we have that $\omega(y)$ consists of a single fixed point, and the same is true for $\alpha(y)$ .
It can be also shown that for two distinct fixed points $z_{1}, z_{2} \in \omega(x)$ there is maximally one orbit $\gamma(y)\subset \omega(x)$ which joins them. So if one supposes additionally (to the compactness hypothesis) that in $\omega(x)$ there are only finitely many homoclinic orbits included, then it is easy to show that for each set of distinct fixed points $z_{1},z_{2} \in \omega(x)$ there is exactly one heteroclinc orbit connecting them (this is also called a "graphic").
But what can be said if there is a fixed point $z_{0} \in \omega(x)$ with infinitely many homoclinic orbits in $\omega(x)$? Is then still true that any pair of distinct fixed point $z_{1}, z_{2}$ in $\omega(x)$ can be joined by an heteroclinic orbit contained in $\omega(x)$? This does not seem to be obvious, because (from what I know) it seems possible that the there is a sequence of regular points $y_{n} \subset \omega(x)$ such the orbits $\gamma(y_{n})$ are homoclinic ones which end in $z_{0}$ while the sequence $y_{n}$ converges to another fixed point $z_{1} \in \omega(x)$ in a way so that $\omega(x)$ is connected (think of the topologist's sine curve) without containing a heteroclinic orbit which joins the fixed points $z_{0}$ and $z_{1}$.