I have the following problem statement: Let $E \subset [0,1]$ be Lebesgue measurable, and for $x \in \mathbb{R}$, define $$f_n (x) := n \int_0^{1/n} \chi_{E} (x+t) dt$$ ($\chi$ denotes characteristic function). Show that $f_n$ is Lipschitz for every $n$, $f_n \to \chi_E (x)$ a.e, and $||f_n - \chi_E ||_{L^1} \to 0$.
I am not quite sure how to prove this is Lipschitz. It is clear that $0 \leq f_n \leq 1$ for all $n$. I can make a change of variable to see that $f_n (x) = \int_0^1 \chi_E (x+nt)$; proving $L^1$ convergence immediately gives that $f_n \to \chi_E$ a.e as well. I also see that with the above change of variable, it is intuitively clear at least that for sufficiently large $n$, $x+ nt \notin E$ so that the only term not "killed off" is $\chi_E (x)$. I am having trouble formally stating these observations though, any help is appreciated.