Assume that the path $y(x)$ makes the functional $$ S[y] = \int _a ^b L(y, y', x) dx$$ stationary. Under what conditions does $$ \int _a ^b L(y, y', x)^2 dx$$ have the same stationary path? And what other functions can be applied to $L$ without changing the stationary path?
The question is inspired by ordinary calculus: The $x$ that makes $f(x)$ extremal also makes $f(x)^2$ extremal, and often it is convenient to minimize the latter.
Oh, and this very technique is used in this script on page 13 and 14. To give a brief summary, the goal there is to find the geodesic curve that minimizes
$$ \int (g_{i j} \frac{dx^{i}}{dt}\frac{dx^{j}}{dt})^{1/2} dt $$
where $x^i$ are curvilinear coordinates $g_{i j}$ is the metric. And then the author says that it is easy to realize that we can also simply use
$$ \int g_{i j} \frac{dx^{i}}{dt}\frac{dx^{j}}{dt} dt$$