I stumbled across this inequation and I am stuck at the solution: $$\tag{$\forall a,b \in \mathbb{R}$} \sqrt{\left(a+1\right)^2+b^2}\ge2+a$$
It is equal to: $$ \tag{if a ≥ −2} =\left(a+1\right)^2+b^2\ge\left(2+a\right)^2\ \ \ $$
$$a \ge (b^2-3)\cdot\frac{1}{2}$$
But I am not able to get rid of the root when $a <-2$: $$ =\sqrt{\left(a+1\right)^2+b^2}\ge2+a $$ In the first part I could just square both sides because both sides were non-negative. But this is not the case if $a <-2$ How could this be solved?