
I have tried solving the following integral using Calc I & II methods and couldn't find an answer. I would like to know the techniques for solving such an integral.



1 Answer 1


$\int\sqrt{25\sin^2(5x)+49\cos^2(7x)}\,dx$ resembles the integral for the arc length of: $$\overrightarrow{r}(t)=\left\langle\cos(5t),\sin(7t) \right\rangle$$

Here $\overrightarrow{r}(t)$ is a Lissajous curve, which is a curve defined as the parametric equations: $$x=A\sin(at+\delta),\;\;y=B\sin(bt)$$ where $t$ is the parameter and $A, a, B, b,\delta$ are constants. We can derive the length of the curve fairly easily: $$L=\int\sqrt{(dx)^2+(dy)^2}=\int\sqrt{\left(\frac{dx}{dt}\right)^2+\left(\frac{dy}{dt}\right)^2}\,dt=$$ $$\sqrt{\int(Aa\cos(at+\delta))^2+(Bb\cos(bt))^2}\,dt$$

In most cases, including this one, the resulting integral must be solved numerically as there is no closed form solution.


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