Suppose H is a Hilbert space, M is a closed linear subspace, and $T:H \rightarrow H$ is a bounded linear operator with bounded inverse.
Define a projection operator $P:H \rightarrow M$ as $Px = z$, where $$\inf_{y \in M} ||T(y-x)|| = ||T(z -x)||.$$
I've shown that $P$ is well defined (for each $x \in H$ there is a unique $z \in M$ where the infinum is attained) and that $P$ is a projection operator.
Additionally, I've shown that $(T(Px-x),Tm) = 0$ for all $m \in M$. Equivalently, $(T^*T(Px-x),m) = 0$, so $T^*T(P-I)$ maps to $M^{\perp}$.
Now I want to show that $||P|| \le ||T||\ ||T^{-1}||$. I've attempted to write some sort of expression in terms of $P$ and $P^{\perp}$, but I'm stuck. Any help appreciated. Thank you.