I have a $3 \times 3$ matrix $A$ for which I need to determine the characteristic polynomial.
Suppose I had $\det(A)=f$. If I performed row operations on $A$ I could manipulate $f$ accordingly to find the determinant for the new matrix. So for example if I multiplied row $1$ by $k$ and swapped row $2$ and row $3$ the determinant for the new matrix would be given by $-1 \times k \times f$.
My question: Could I simplify $A$ by performing row operations on it, then use the simplified $A$ in $(\lambda I_{3}-A)$, calculate $\det(\lambda I_{3}-A)$ and finally manipulate $\det(\lambda I_{3} -A)$ according to the row operations that I did on the original $A$. So if I swapped row $1$ and $3$ to get the simplified $A$, I would multiply $\det(\lambda I_{3}-A)$ by $-1$ in the end to get the final determinant.
Would this change the characteristic polynomial? If yes, why?