Urn I contains $2$ white and $3$ blue balls. Urn II contains $3$ white and $4$ blue balls. Randomly pick a ball from Urn I and put it into Urn II, and then a ball is picked randomly from Urn II. What is the probability that the second pick is blue
$A=\{Second \ pick \ is \ blue\}$
$B=\{First \ pick \ is \ blue\}$
The way I did it is wrong, however, I cannot pinpoint my faulty logic
$P(A)=P(A \vert B)+P(A \vert B^{\mathsf{c}}) = \frac{P\left(A \cap B\ \right)}{P\left(B\right)}+ \frac{P\left(A \cap B^{\mathsf{c}}\ \right)}{P\left(B^{\mathsf{c}}\right)}= \frac{\frac5 8}{\frac 3 5}+\frac{\frac4 9}{\frac 2 5}=\frac {155}{72}$ which is obviously incorrect.
The correct answer multiplies the numerator and denominator, instead of dividing. Why?