Prove that if fifteen bishops were placed on a chessboard, then at least two of them attack each other.
I was wondering if the following method is correct? (I also feel like I cheated a bit, as if they asked me the minimum bishops needed instead of saying 15, it would've been harder. I took 15, subtracted 1, and knew I had to occupy 14 spots somehow.)
I think the way I did it is a bit clunky, and isn't obvious in showing that it's the "worst" case scenario. What I did was place 7 bishops on the top row, except the top right corner, then 7 bishops in the bottom row except the right bottom corner. So now a 15th bishop must be placed in any of the attacking range of the other bishops (by the Pigeonhole Principle).
A lot of the time, I feel like I'm just using intuition, rather than being able to pick out the correct pigeons and pigeonholes.