Let $A$ be any set of $10$ positive integers.
Prove that there must exist at least $11$ subsets of $A$ having their element-sum with the same last $2$ digits.
(Here element-sum means sum of all elements in the set)
Answer: Let $A$ be a set of any $10$ positive integers.
So $|A| = 10$. So, the set of all subsets of $A$ has cardinality $2^{10} = 1024$.
Now, there are $10^2 = 100$ ways for the last two digits of a number.
Let the pigeonholes be these "ways".
So, there is one pigeonhole (one number with some ending two digits) containing $\lceil \frac{1024}{10} \rceil = 11$ subsets of $A$.
I'm unsure why we had to mention "element-sum" as I don't see where it's used in the proof.