$$ |\sqrt{t^2+y^2} - \sqrt{t^2+z^2}| = \frac{|y^2 - z^2|}{ \sqrt{t^2+y^2} + \sqrt{t^2+z^2}} ≤ \frac{|y+z|}{|y|+|z|} |y-z| ≤ |y-z|$$
so $f(t,y) = \sqrt{t^2+y^2}$ is $y$-Lipschitz uniformly in $t$ with constant $1=:L>0$, and is continuous in $t$. By Picard-Lindelöf, There is $\epsilon$ and a unique solution $y$ for times $[t_0 - \epsilon , t_0 + \epsilon]$. Looking through the proof of Picard-Lindelöf, we see that $\epsilon$ (which is $a$ in the wikipedia proof) is only constrained to be $$\epsilon < 1/L$$
Importantly, it does not depend on $t$. Then we iterate as follows, given an initial condition $y(0)$:
- Get a unique solution $y$ on $[0,\epsilon]$ via P-L theorem above.
- Use $\tilde y(0) = y(\epsilon/2)$ as an initial condition.
- Get a unique solution $\tilde y$ on $[0,\epsilon]$.
- If we consider $z(t) := \tilde y(t - \epsilon/2)$, we see that $z(t)$ exists on the interval $[\epsilon/2 , 3\epsilon/2]$ and solves the ODE $\dot{z} = f(t,z)$.
- On the common time of existence $[\epsilon/2,\epsilon]$ for $y$ and $z$, uniqueness of solutions imply that $y=z$.
- Extend $y$ to a function $y:[0,3\epsilon/2]\to ℝ $ by defining $y(t+\epsilon/2) = z(t+\epsilon/2)$.
- Verify that the extended $y$ is still a solution of the ODE.
It is clear we can continually make steps of size $\epsilon/2$ without bound, both forwards and backwards, and in this way we define a solution $y:ℝ \to ℝ$.