I'm confused about the different types of homology groups. For instance, on Wikipedia (Orientability) they write $H_n (M, \partial M; \mathbb{Z} )$.
On the other hand, where they explain the construction of homology groups, they write $H_n (X) := ker(\partial_n) / im(\partial_{n + 1})$. (here)
Are these two the same?
The reason why I'm interested in this question is because I'm interested in an alternative definition of orientability, namely, that a compact $n$-manifold is orientable if and only if its top homology group is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}$. In fact, I'm only interested in surfaces, i.e. $n= 2$.
Seeing as every surface can be triangulated, I assume I can restrict myself to looking at simplicial homology groups. Are there any further restrictions that I can make to make it easier?
Thanks for any help.