I'm trying to understand the proof of the functional calculus form of the Spectral Theorem. From what I understand the construction of a definition of $f(A)$ for $f$ measurable and $A$ $\in L(H)$ self-adjoint begins as follows.
Assume we know the proof of the continuous functional calculus so that $f(A) \in L(H)$ is defined for $f$ continuous on the spectrum of $A$.
We can define a function $T_\psi: C(\sigma(A)) \to \mathbb{C}$ by $$T_\psi(f) = (\psi,f(A)\psi)$$ for a set $\psi \in H.$
This gives a positive linear functional on $C(\sigma(A))$, and from the Riesz-Markov theorem there is a measure $\mu_\psi$ on the compact set $\sigma(A)$ s.t
$$T_\psi(f) = (\psi,f(A)\psi)=\int_{\sigma(A)}fdu_\psi.$$
We note that the right hand side is defined for any $f \in \mathbb{B}(\mathbb{R})$, a bounded measurable function, and so we define:
$(\psi,g(A)\psi):=\int_{\sigma(A)}gdu_\psi$ $\forall g \in \mathbb{B}(\mathbb{R})$.
*Now this is a definition, the left hand side is not an inner product because the second term is not yet defined.
We next extend the definition:
$\forall \psi, \phi \in H $, $(\phi, g(A)\psi) := $
$\frac{1}{4}[(\phi + \psi, g(A)(\phi + \psi)) - (\phi - \psi, g(A)(\phi - \psi)) + (\phi + i\psi, g(A)(\phi + i\psi)) - (\phi - i\psi, g(A)(\phi - i\psi))]$
Lastly we can define a function $T_1: H \to \mathbb{C}$ by $T_1(\phi) = (\phi, g(A)\psi) $ for a set $\psi, g$.
$T_1$ is a continuous linear function, and so by the Riesz rep. theorem we have $\exists!$ $h_{\psi,g}\in H$ s.t $\forall \phi$ $(\phi, g(A)\psi) = (\phi, h_{\psi,g})$.
Now, the functional calculus theorem states that exists, and unique with the following properties, $\Phi: \mathbb{B}(\mathbb{R}) \to L(H)$ s.t
$\Phi$ is a $*$-homomorphism.
$\|\Phi(f)\| \leq \|f\|_{\infty}$
among other properties I won't list.
I need help showing 1. and 2.
For 2. I thought of trying to show that $\forall f \in \mathbb{B}(\mathbb{R})$ $f(A)$ is self adjoint but kind of got lost in the details of this. Is it true?
If it is, then we have
$\|\Phi(f)\| = sup_{\|\phi\|=1}[\|f(A)\phi\|] = sup_{\|\phi\|=1}(\phi,f(A)\phi) = \int_{\sigma(A)} f du_\phi \leq \|f\|_{\infty}\mu_\phi(\sigma(A)) = \|f\|_{\infty}$ where the last equality should hold by the Riesz Markov theorem.
For 1. I'm not sure where to begin.