I have the following system of ODEs that I am trying to find the equilibrium points to. I firstly begin by taking (2) and rearranging for $x$. I then insert this into (3) to find a relation for $z$. Then my strategy is to insert the newly found expressions for $x$ and $z$ into $(1)$ to generate an expression for $y$. However when I do this, everything cancels and I cannot generate my expression for $y$.
Where am I going wrong?
\begin{align} (1) \qquad \frac{dx}{dt} &= -\beta x(y + z) + \gamma y + \alpha z + \epsilon\eta '(1-\phi)y \\ (2) \qquad \frac{dy}{dt} &= \beta yx - \gamma y - \eta \epsilon y \\ (3) \qquad \frac{dz}{dt} &= \beta zx - \alpha z + \epsilon\eta \phi y \end{align}
The expression for $x$ is:
$$ x^* = \frac{1}{\beta}(\gamma + \eta\epsilon) $$
The expression for $z^*$ is:
$$ z = - \frac{\epsilon \eta\phi}{\gamma + \eta\epsilon - \alpha } y $$
Inserting these into (1) cancels everything out and I cannot obtain an independent expression for $y^*$! I am struggling to complete further analysis without this crucial step!