I'm beginning to learn Riemannian geometry and differential forms and got stuck mixing the two.
Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold and $\{E_i\}$ a local frame. If $\nabla$ is a connection on $M$ compatible with $g$, then $dg_{ij}$ should be somehow related to the Christoffel symbols of $\nabla$ over $\{E_i\}$ right?
I'm trying to find an explicit formula, but I can't figure out how to apply the exterior derivative $d$ through the metric on $\langle E_i,E_j\rangle=g_{ij}$ in a way to obtain such formula. We know the covariant derivative is well behaved because the connection is compatible, i.e. $$\nabla_Z\langle X,Y\rangle=\langle\nabla_ZX,Y\rangle+\langle X,\nabla_ZY\rangle$$
but how can we use this to work with $d$ and obtain a formula?