If I have a number I'm keeping track of for the entire week, and I want to calculate for a given day, what that day's percentage increase/decrease is based off the average number in a week..
So for instance, calorie intake..
If my week looks something like this:
mon: 1500,
tue: 1900,
wed: 1800,
thu: 2500,
fri: 2000,
sat: 0,
sun: 0,
total: 9700
And I want to know what the percentage increase/decrease is for Friday
Here's how I'm doing it but I'm not sure if this is correct..
(((total/number of days)-fri)/(total/number of days)*100)
This results in the answer being: -3.09
% but that doesn't sound right.. the average for the week is 1940
and 2000
would be an increase...
Any thoughts? Thank you!