I have a binomial process with probability of success p. Let k be number of success in when the number of trails is N. I have defined s as the random variable of the share of success $\ s=\frac{k}{N}$
i need to find the limiting distribution of s as $\ \lim_{N\to \infty} s$
I have tried to go about it as follows. The chance of exactly k success is $C_k^N *p^k*(1-p)^(N-k)$
Then m=[N*s] where [] is the least integer function.The limit distribution will be the limiting value of $\ \lim_{N\to \infty}C_m^N *p^k*(1-p)^\left(N-m\right) $ I tried to draw some inferences using simulation.It seems that the limiting distribution of the share of success is a normal with mean p empirical distribution of share of success