Suppose we are interested in all possible central extensions of $\mathbb Z_3$ by $\mathbb Z_3$, i.e. in all possible groups $E$ satisfying a short exact sequence $1 \to \mathbb Z_3 \to E \to \mathbb Z_3 \to 1$. This is actually trivial: since $|E| = 9$, and we know there are only two groups of that order, and both are such extensions (i.e. $\mathbb Z_3 \times \mathbb Z_3$ and $\mathbb Z_9$).
My confusion is the following: the central extensions are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the second group cohomology group $H^2(\mathbb Z_3; \mathbb Z_3)$. According to the groupprops wiki, we have $H^2(\mathbb Z_3; \mathbb Z_3) = \mathbb Z_3$. But that implies there must be at least three distinct groups of order nine... Hence clearly at least one of the things I have said is wrong. Which is it? Most likely I have misinterpreted the result on the groupprops wiki