I am trying to differentiate the Kronecker product of a vector with respect to itself: $$ \frac{\partial}{\partial \pmb{\delta}} (\pmb{\delta} \otimes \pmb{\delta} ) $$ That is part of this larger differentiation: $$ \begin{equation} \label{eq1} \tag{1} \frac{\partial}{\partial \pmb{\delta}} \left(\pmb{\delta}^\intercal \mathbf{A} (\pmb{\delta} \otimes \pmb{\delta} ) \right) \end{equation} $$ Where:
-$\pmb{\delta}_{K \times 1}$ is a vector and $\pmb{\delta}^{\intercal}_{1\times K}$ is its transpose.
-$ \mathbf{A}_{K \times K^2}$ is constant matrix that is independent from $\pmb{\delta}$ ($ \partial \mathbf{A}/ \partial \pmb{\delta}=0) $.
Using definitions that can be found in Matrix Calculus textbooks, I have simplified it as follows: $$ \begin{split} \frac{\partial}{\partial \pmb{\delta}} (\pmb{\delta} \otimes \pmb{\delta} ) &=\frac{\partial \pmb{\delta}}{\partial \pmb{\delta}} \otimes \pmb{\delta}+ [\mathbf{I}_K \otimes \mathbf{U_{K^2 \times K^2}}][\frac{\partial \pmb{\delta}}{\partial \pmb{\delta}} \otimes \pmb{\delta}][\mathbf{I}_1 \otimes \mathbf{I}_{1\times 1} ]\\ &=vec(\mathbf{I}_K) \otimes \pmb{\delta}+[\mathbf{I}_K \otimes \mathbf{U_{K^2 \times K^2}}][vec(\mathbf{I}_K) \otimes \pmb{\delta}]\\ &=[\mathbf{I}_{K^3}+\mathbf{I}_K \otimes \mathbf{U_{K^2 \times K^2}}][vec(\mathbf{I}_K) \otimes \pmb{\delta}] \end{split} $$ Where:
- $\mathbf{I}_n$ is $n \times n$ unit matrix
- $vec(\mathbf{B})$ is the classic vectorization operator.
- $\mathbf{U}_{r \times s}$ is the permutation matrix as it is defined in classic matrix calculus textbooks (e.g. here is shown with $T_{m,n}$).
Can the above equation get simplified further? My goal is to collect whatever form of $ \pmb{\delta}$ that appears as a result of equation \ref{eq1} to the right hand side of the term. To be more precise the furthest I got from \ref{eq1} is here: $$ \begin{equation} \label{eq2} \tag{2} \begin{split} \frac{\partial}{\partial \pmb{\delta}} \left(\pmb{\delta}^\intercal \mathbf{A} (\pmb{\delta} \otimes \pmb{\delta} ) \right)& =\mathbf{A} (\pmb{\delta} \otimes \pmb{\delta} ) \\ &+ [\mathbf{I}_K \otimes (\pmb{\delta}^\intercal \mathbf{A})][\mathbf{I}_{K^3}+\mathbf{I}_K \otimes \mathbf{U_{K^2 \times K^2}}][vec(\mathbf{I}_K) \otimes \pmb{\delta}] \end{split} \end{equation} $$ and I am trying to collect the $\pmb{\delta}$ in the second term of the right hand side of above equation on the right hand side like the first term.