This question has been asked here before but I don't think any of the previous answers are clear to someone like me who only has an elementary background in abstract algebra. So can I take the time to ask once again: Why do we have $PGL_2(\mathbb{F}_5) \cong S_5$?
So far I have tried to find an action of $GL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ on a set with 5 elements but have had no luck. However if you let $GL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ act on the projective line $P^1(\mathbb{F}_5)$ then we get a homomorphism to $S_6$ whose kernel is the set of scalar matrices which is exactly $Z(GL_2(\mathbb{F}_5))$. So we get an isomorphism from $PGL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ to a subgroup of $S_6$ . I then tried to consider the action of $S_6$ on $S_6:PGL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ and tried to use that to show the isomorphism but it didn't help.
Does anyone know how it might be possible to proceed from here or am I going down completely the wrong track? Any hints are much appreciated!
EDIT: Here is the full question as requested:
Show that the groups $SL_2(\mathbb{F}_4)$ and $PSL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ both have order 60. Use this and some results from previous questions to show that they are both isomorphic to the alternating group $A_5$. Show that $SL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ and $PGL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ both have order 120, that $SL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ is not isomorphic to $S_5$, but $PGL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)$ is.
The previous questions which the question refers to (and I was able to do) were:
Let $G$ be a group of order 60 which has more than one Sylow 5-subgroup. Show that $G$ is simple.
Let $G$ be a simple group of order 60. Deduce that $G \cong A_5$, as follows. Show that $G$ has six Sylow 5-subgroups. By considering the conjugation action of the set of Sylow 5-subgroups, show that $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup $G \leq A_6$ of index 6. By considering the action of $A_6$ on $A_6:G$, show that that there is an automorphism of $A_6$ taking $G$ to $A_5$.