Looking for a subject to develop an undergraduate search project, I found the concept of Determinacy, a subfield of set theory that examines the conditions under which one player of a game has a winning strategy, as Wikipedia states. I've read just a little bit about it, so I'd like to get an introductory book to learn the concept and explore suitable applications. I'm a beginner in set theory and game theory and I'd be grateful with some indications and suggestions.
As far, I got Thomas Jech's Set Theory. In it, Determinacy is the name of chapter $33$. Since it doesn't present a diagram of interdependence between the chapters, I don't know if it'd be a good idea (the chapter $33$ starts at page $627$). Hrbacek and Jech's Introduction to set theory discusses it too, but I'd like to appeal to your opinion and maybe to find some better.
In short, let's say I'm interesting in a book by which it I could learn about Determinacy and find a nice application, like the proof of the determinacy in some class of games... Thanks in advance!