If we consider an accessible stopping time $\tau$, on an underlying filtered probability space, we know that, by definition, $\exists$ a sequence $(\tau_n)_n$ of predictable stopping times such that $$[\tau]\subseteq \bigcup_n [\tau_n],$$ where $[\tau]$ denotes the graph of $\tau$, i.e., $$[\tau]:=\{(\omega,t)\in\Omega\times\mathbb{R}_+:\, \tau(\omega)=t\}.$$ I would like to know if we can actually construct a sequence of predictable stopping times $(\tilde{\tau_n})_n$ (reasonably dealing with $(\tau_n)_n$) such that $$[\tau]= \bigcup_n [\tilde{\tau_n}].$$ I have been searching in many stochastic analysis books but I have not found an answer to my question. Every answer would be really appreciated!