Let $G$ be a finitely generated group and let $S$ be a finite generating set. (For convenience, we always assume our generating set is symmetric, i.e. $s\in S$ implies that $s^{-1}\in S$.) We define the word length $||g||_S$ of an element $g\in G- \{e\}$, with respect to the generators $S$, by $ ||g||_S=\inf\{k\geq 1: g= s_k s_{k-1}\ldots s_1, s_i\in S, 1\leq i\leq k\} $.
For $g, h\in G$, $h\leq_S g$ if and only if $||h||_S\leq ||g||_S$.
Question: Let $S,S^{*}$ be finite generating sets for $G$. Is it true that if $g\leq_S h$, then $g\leq_{S^{*}}h$?
A relation $\geq$ directs a nonempty set $D$ if an only if following are satisfied:
$\leq $ is reflexive and transitive
For each $a,b \in D$, there is a $c \in D$ such that $c \geq a$ and $c \geq b$
The pair $(D, \geq)$ is called a directed set.
It can be seen that $(G, \leq_S)$ is a directed set.