Is there a method allowing us to solve the following functional equation ?
$$F(z,q) = q + z F(z,q) + z^2 \big( F(z,q^2) \big)^2 $$
Is there a method allowing us to solve the following functional equation ?
$$F(z,q) = q + z F(z,q) + z^2 \big( F(z,q^2) \big)^2 $$
The question asked is
Is there a method allowing us to solve the following functional equation ? $$F(z,q) = q + z F(z,q) + z^2 \big( F(z,q^2) \big)^2 $$
To solve the functional equation, assume we have a series expansion $$F(z,q) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n(q)z^n.$$ The functional equation then forces $a_0(q) = q$, and for $n>0$ $$ a_n(q) = a_{n-1}(q) + \sum_{k=0}^{n-2} a_k(q^2)a_{n-2-k}(q^2).$$ We can express this sequence of polynomials in $q$ as a finite sum $$ a_n(q) = \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}\binom{n}{2k}b_k(q)$$ where $\, b_0(q) = q,\; b_1(q) = q^4,\; b_2(q) = 2q^{10},\; \dots\;$ are another sequence of polynomials in $q$ with positive integer coefficients whose polynomial expansion looks like $$ b_k(q) = u_k q^{A073121(k+1)} + \cdots + v_k q^{3\cdot 2^k-2} $$ where A073121 is a sequence in OEIS. I think it is unlikely that $F$ has a closed form.