A function $u(x,t)$ is called a traveling wave if it has the form $u(x,t) = f(x - at)$, for some function $f$, called the waveform, and some number $a$, called the wave speed.
a.) Show that if a traveling wave solves the wave equation, and the waveform is not a line, then $a = \pm c$.
b.) Show that for the diffusion equation, there are traveling wave solutions with any speed. What is the general form of the waveform for a given speed $a$?
I am not sure how to proceed with this, any suggestions are greatly appreciated
Attempted solution a.) A wave equation is of the form $$u_{tt} - c^2 u_{xx} = 0$$ Suppose the solution is of the form $u(x,t) = f(x - at)$. Then we have $$u_{tt} = (a)^2 f^{\prime\prime}(x - at), \ \ u_{xx} = f^{\prime \prime}(x - at)$$ Thus from the wave equation we have $$(a)^2 f^{\prime\prime}(x - at) - c^2f^{\prime \prime}(x - at) = 0$$ Hence we must have $a = \pm c$ in order for this PDE to be satisfied.