Incompressible fluid with constant density ρ fills the three-dimensional domain below the free surface z = η(r) in cylindrical polar coordinates. The flow is axisymmetric and steady, and the only non-zero velocity component is $u_θ$. Gravity acts upon the fluid.
Suppose the fluid in r < a rotates rigidly about the z-axis with angular velocity Ω, and the fluid in r a is irrotational. Show that the velocity in $r \ge$ a is given by $$u_θ = \frac{{Ωa^2}}{r}$$
I got stuck about how to show rigidly.
My idea:
For incompressible: $$\nabla\bullet u= \frac{1}{r}\frac{∂u_θ}{∂_θ}=0$$ For irrotational: $$\frac{∂u_θ}{∂_r}=0$$ For as $r \rightarrow$ a, $u_0$ approaches the tangential velocity Ωr.
the second part of the problem is suppose the free surface position satisfies η$\rightarrow$ 0 as r $\rightarrow \infty$. Show that the free surface position in $r\ge a$ is $$η= -\frac{Ω^2a^4}{2gr^2}$$
My idea is to use the Bernoulli's theorem which is expressed in the boundary condition of the free surface:
$\frac{∂\phi }{∂t}+ \frac{1}{2}|\nabla\phi|^2+gη=0$ at y =η
$\phi$ is the velocity potential, then it is $\frac{Ωa^2z}{r}$
$\frac{Ωa^2z}{r}$=-gη we can get η. But how to get z from the condition?