Consider the matrix of T with respect to the standard basis. We
$T(1) = 1, T(t) = t + 1, T(t
2) = (t + 1)^2 = t^2 + 2t + 1$, and so on.
We see that in general, $p(t)$ and $T(p(t))$ have the same degree. This forces the matrix
of T with respect to the standard basis to be upper triangular. Moreover, $$T(t^n) = (t + 1)^n = t^n + nt^(n−1) + (other stuff)$$ so the diagonal entries of this matrix are all 1’s. This means $T$ has a single eigenvalue, 1. Since the rank of
$[T]_S − I$ is $n − 1$ (or at least, since the rank is nonzero) we see that there will
not be enough eigenvectors. As an alternative, if we wish to find an eigenvector,
call it $p(t)$, then we need $T(p(t)) = 1 · p(t)$, or $p(t) = p(t + 1)$, and this is only
true for constant polynomials. Either way we look at it, $T$ is not diagonalizable