Consider the ordering relation $x\,\,|\, \,y \,⊆\, N\,×\,N\,$ over natural numbers $N$ such that $x \, | \,y\,\,$ iff there exists $z$ ∈ $N$ such that $x\,\, .\,\,z = y.$ A set is called lattice if every finite subset has a least upper bound and greatest lower bound. It is called a complete lattice if every subset has a least upper bound and greatest lower bound.
- $|$ is an equivalence relation.
- Every subset of $N$ has an upper bound under $|$
- $|$ is a total order.
$\left(N, |\right)$ is a complete lattice
$(N, |)$ is a lattice but not a complete lattice
My Attempt
1.$\,\,|\,\,$ cannot be an equivalence relation,because it will not be symmetric,example-: $(2,6)$ is while $(6,2)$ is not.
3..$\,\,|\,\,$ cannot be total order.As for total order ,every 2 elelment of the relation must be *comparable** .But it is not.Take example, $(3,9)$ and $(4,16)$ belongs to relation but $3$ and $4$ are not comprable.
i am sure about these 2 options ,I am also sure that it is a Lattice as every pair of element has a Greatest lower bound and a Least upper Bound.
As GLB(Greatest lower bound)=GCD of 2 elements
and LUB(Least upper Bound)=LCM of 2 elements.
both GCD and LCM will belong to $N\,X\,N$
But i am stuck at option $2,4,5$.Please help me out ! Thanks