I'm trying to compute mirror descent algorithm (MDA) now, and I have a little complication in computing its update rule.
I would like to minimize something in an $l^1$-ball and for this, I took $\Phi (x) = \frac{1}{2(p-1)} ||x||_{p}^2$.
By some algebraic procedure, I've obtained each component of gradient $\nabla \Phi(x)_i = \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial x_i} = \frac{1}{p-1} ||x||_{p}^{2-p} |x_i|^{p-2} x_i$.
My problem is the following:
Consider the following update rule of mirror descent algorithm:
$x_{t+1} = (\nabla \Phi)^{-1} (\nabla \Phi (x^t) - a_t \nabla f (x_t)$
Given $\nabla \Phi$ calculated previously, how can I obtain $\nabla \Phi^{-1}$ of mentioned update rule? I know that $\nabla \Phi$ takes and element of $\mathbb{R}^d$ and returns an vector again. So, what would be a inverse operator $(\nabla \Phi)^{-1}$?
I think that it should have some relation with some operator that does $\nabla \Phi ^{-1} (\nabla \Phi (x))= x$.
In summary, I would like to know what exactly is $\nabla \Phi ^{-1}$ which appears in mirror descent algorithm's update rule.