A recent question brought up the phenomenon that for some nonnegative integers $n$, $$ R(n^2) = R(n)^2, $$ where $R(n)$ means the digit reversal of $n$ (sometimes written $\overline{n}$). Some care is needed with regards to how to handle leading or tailing zeroes. However you decide the issue, one can see that it does not significantly affect the condition.
The comments and answers on that question explained that this happened whenever no carries are involved in the standard multiplication algorithm for computing $n^2$. (For example, one can directly see this happens when $n$ is $13$, $113$, or $212$.) Michael Lugo commented that the full sequence of numbers $n$ satisfying the condition is in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) as sequence A061909, where they are called "skinny numbers".
Is the fact that no carries happen necessary or merely sufficient? This question is implicitly posed at the end of the accepted answer and discussed in its comments.
Carefully reading the helpful comments in the OEIS tells us that it is both necessary and sufficient! Indeed, it appears that historically there were two separate entries which ended up merged because of this equivalence. (No proof is given or cited.)
But why? To summarize: why does $R(n^2) = R(n)^2$ imply that no carries happen in the multiplication $n^2$?