When trying to solve another question I bumped upon the followin situation with the following setup:
- an odd integer $n$.
- the cycle $c = (1,\ldots,n)$ generating the cyclic group $C_n$.
- the automorphism group $H$ of $C_n$ that decomposes depending on the factorization of n into powers of primes.
The following action on the set $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ can be constructed by the maps $$ n_u : i \mapsto 1 + u(i-1)\mod n \text{ where } i \in \{1,2,\ldots,n\} \text{ and } \gcd(u,n) = 1 $$ That this represents the automorphism group $H$ is shown by the fact that $c^u = c^{n_u}$.
Now let $p^k$ be one of the prime power factors of $n$, i.e. $n = p^km$ with $\gcd(p, m) = 1$. Then $H = C_{\varphi(p^k)} \times M$, for some abelian subgroup $M$. The group $C_{\varphi(p^k)}$ can be obtained by restricting the $u$ to the condition $u = 1 \mod(m)$. Let $K$ be the subgroup of order $p-1$ of $C_{\varphi(p^k)}$. In all the several dozen of cases I tried the permutations of $K$ all decompose in cycles that have all the same size. I can show that the number of points left fixed by $K$ is $m$ (namely $1, p^5, 2p^k, \ldots, mp^k$). So the moved points of $K$ is $p^km-m=(p^k-1)m$. This is a multiple of $p-1$ so I was inclined to reason as follows : if a permutation $p \in K$ of order $r$ has a cycle of length a divisor of $r$ then the number of moved points is compromised but this fails since there could be several such cycles to compensate for the number of moved points.
My question is : can it be proven that the cycles have the same length or is there a counter example?
Example Let $n = 5^3$ so, $c = (1,\ldots,125)$ Then $H = C_4 \times C_{25}$. The group $C_{25}$ is generated by $n_{63}$ but the cycle composition of this consists of three cycles of order $100, 20, 4$ respectively. On the other hand the group $C_4$ is generated by $n_{38}$ whose cycle decomposition consists of $31 = 5^2+5+1$ cycles all of length $4$ (no cycles of order $2$ occurring).